The cost of working with a family lawyer who specialises in child custody and parenting matters is like to be between $300 to $500 plus GST an hour.

The hourly rate of a lawyer is almost always dependent on the experience of the lawyer, with more experienced or highly specialised lawyers costing more than others.

We know that the costs of legal services can be one of the reasons people decide not to work with a lawyer, however, these expertise and experience they have can make it a lot easier and more affordable than you realise to resolve your matter.

At Unified Lawyers we work hard to keep our costs as low as possible and provide our clients with transparent information regarding our costs.

We also offer the first consultation free for new clients. That way they can use that time to learn more about their circumstances and also see if we’re a good fit for them too. We also provide a cost estimate for dealing with the matter at the end of the consultation.

“All materials throughout this entire website has been prepared by Unified Lawyers for informational purposes only. All materials throughout this entire website are not legal advice and should not be interpreted as legal advice. We do not guarantee that any of the information on this website is current or correct.

You should seek specialist legal advice or other professional advice about your specific circumstances.
All information on this site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship between you and Unified lawyers.

Information on this site is not updated regularly and so may not be up to date.”