Crispian Carlowe

Specialising in Divorce and Family Law

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
By – Martin Luther King, Jr

The journey into law…

Crispian Carlowe has practiced exclusively in all aspects of family law and related law since 2008.

Crispian’s client base ranges from high net wealth cases to individuals in financial distress. Each matter, regardless of financial status, is important because it involves people and families in crisis. It is the greatest privilege of his career to assist people through turmoil to emerge in a position where they can re-establish themselves successfully.

Throughout his career, Crispian has sought out opportunities in order to achieve a high level of legal expertise and practical skills:

  • accepted career opportunities in highly respected family law practices with a view to be mentored by some of the most respected family law practitioners in Queensland;
  • undertaken years of volunteer work in the developing field of LGBTQI law (at the LGBTI Legal Service) and for financially disadvantaged persons (at the Caxton Legal Service);
  • continued to develop his legal knowledge through the completion of a Masters of Law in Family Law and a Masters of Law in Family Dispute Resolution;
  • attained specialist accreditation in Family Law through the Queensland Law Society;
  • Since 2020, Crispian has been an Adjunct Lecturer in the specialist post graduate Master of Applied Law (Family Law) program and an Oral Assessor in the Ethics and Family Law PLT program, College of Law;
  • In 2021, Crispian wrote the College of Law Family Law Practice Papers following the amalgamation of the Family Law Courts in 2021 (as detailed below). Crispian is the author of the College of Law’s Family Law practice papers (for all States except WA) on:
    • Parenting Applications;
    • Property Applications; and
    • Maintenance and Child Support.
  • Crispian has also revised the College of Law’s Family Law practice papers (for all States except WA) on:
    • Divorce; and
    • Urgent and Interim Applications.
  • These Practice Papers are used by Masters of Law students, PLT students and academic staff throughout Australia. I have reviewed these Practice Papers annually (2022 and 2023).
  • Since 2021, Crispian has been a National Subject Matter Expert for the College of Law Family Law faculty.
  • In December 2023, Crispian was commissioned to write the Assessment Pilot for one of the College of Law’s Masters of Applied Law Family Law subjects which is to be rolled out nationally.
  • In June 2024, he wrote and reviewed the College of Law’s Family Law Practice Papers having regard to the significant amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) that took effect on 6 May 2024.
  • Crispian has undertaken academic roles in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia through the College of Law Family Law Masters Program. He has authored educational material for the College that is used nationwide.

Experience in family law

  • Divorce and separation
  • Children’s issues
  • Relocation and recovery of children
  • Paternity
  • Applications to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
  • Property settlements and Binding Financial Agreements
  • Inter-jurisdictional issues and international cases
  • De facto property settlement
  • Child Support
  • Spouse maintenance
  • Domestic Violence
  • Child Protection
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution – mediation, collaborative law and arbitration
  • Enforcement of orders

Crispian has the following awards and nominations:

Finalist Queensland Law Society Excellence in Law Awards – Queensland Solicitor of the Year (2023) – Large Firm (only family lawyer in Queensland to be a finalist in this category). I was 1 of 6 solicitors in Queensland nominated for this award.

Finalist Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards – Special Counsel of the Year (2023) (only family lawyer in Australia to be a finalist in this category). I was 1 of 10 special counsel in Australia nominated for this award.

Nominated Outstanding Accredited Specialist of the Year (2022), Queensland Law Society Excellence in Law Awards.

Nominated Outstanding Accredited Specialist of the Year (2023), Queensland Law Society Excellence in Law Awards.

In May 2024, Crispian was nominated:

  • for an Australian Law Award, Lawyers Weekly Australian Law Awards (to be determined later in the Year); and
  • Queensland Solicitor of the Year (2023) – Large Firm, Queensland Law Society Excellence in Law Awards (to be determined later in the Year).

Other areas of expertise

Crispian Carlowe has conducted matters within the fields of Administrative, Commercial, Contract, Criminal, Traffic, Personal Injury, Employment, Local Government, Planning and Environment, Real and Intellectual Property and Wills and Estates.

Crispian has extensive experience in litigation and have practiced in various State and Federal Courts including Magistrate, District and Supreme Courts and Family Law Courts including the Full Court of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

Crispian has also have expertise in legal education. I have been and continue to mentor many lawyers of varying skills from newly admitted lawyers to senior practitioners.

Crispian has organised and chaired CPD events in family law, ethics, mental health, mediation, dealing with difficult clients/lawyers, accounting and work-life balance.

Crispian is also involved in the following CPD events:

  • In April 2023, he participated as a panellist in the College of Law’s Post Graduate Specialisation Webinar (Australia wide).
  • In October 2023, he participated as a delegate of the College of Law at the QLS Family Law Conference (Hilton, Brisbane).

Crispian has also previously presented for the Queensland Law Society.

Due to his specialist accreditation and academic work in 2023 and 2024, Crispian received two significant commissions from the College of Law:

  • December 2023 – He wrote the Assessment Pilot for one of the College of Law’s Masters of Law Family Law subjects which was trialled in February 2024 (lectured by me) and May 2024 (currently lectured by me). The intention is for the Assessment Pilot to be rolled out nationally.
  • March 2024 – He wrote and reviewed the College of Law’s Family Law Practice Papers having regard to the significant amendments to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) that took effect on 6 May 2024. These Practice Papers are a seminal body of work for the College of Law. They are published by the College of Law and used nationally in their Master of Law Family Law program and PLT Family Law subject.

The passion for family law

Crispian is passionate about the well-being of people.

Our care for clients

Crispian’s experience has extended to providing advice and achieving results for people both domestically and internationally, from all different financial circumstances, from a diversity of economic, social and cultural backgrounds in property settlements, parenting disputes, domestic violence and maintenance issues.

He understands the impact of separation on parties and their children and the importance of clients receiving common sense advice and guidance at this difficult time. Clients can rely on him to be easily available to them and responsive. They can also rely on his to support them during times of concern, anxiety and stress.

He also understands that the matters that arise as a consequence of a breakdown in a marital or de facto relationship are both complex and serious.

He understands that Family Law is an increasingly complex and difficult area. Each case is unique and turns of its own facts. He’s knowledgeable in legal issues and apply a combination of legal, negotiating, mediating and personal skills to achieve the best results for the client.

His approach promotes resolution of disputes without the need for litigation. Where litigation is unavoidable, I have extensive experience of the litigation process. Crispian appear as solicitor advocate and/or as instructing solicitor with Counsel. He also act as advocate for my clients in conferences and mediations.

Crispian is committed to providing high quality legal services to his family law clients with a view to achieving speedy resolution of disputes wherever possible. Family law disputes almost always involve high levels of emotion and conflict he focus on assisting his client navigate divorce, parenting matters, property settlement matters and family violence matters so as to minimise trauma and preserve assets.

Crispian deals with matters involving complex parental disputes, international issues, complex asset structures, family violence, mental health issues and substances abuse issues.

He achieve early resolution of property settlements, future parenting arrangements and domestic violence matters thus limiting exposure of parties and their families to financial and emotional distress.

Crispian has managed multi-disciplinary teams and he engages and liaise with appropriate expert witnesses and Counsel to achieve the best possible outcome for clients.

Crispian takes a great deal of pride in my work, his highly motivated with a strong work ethic and he strive to achieve the best possible result for clients.

Why Unified?

Crispian joined the Unified family for a number of reasons. Unified Lawyers has a stellar reputation in the Australian legal community. They are known for the impeccable quality of their legal services and professional and collaborative approach. This is reflected in the hundreds of positive client testimonials received. Crispian impressed with the focus on learning and development and the supportive environment at Unified. Unified’s priorities closely reflect my own and I’m delighted to now be part of the Unified family.

Passion outside of the law

Sports, movies, theatre, food, cultures, reading, art, gardening, architecture, travelling, writing, teaching, my own education and socialising with family and friends.

Crispian Carlowe

Specialising in Divorce and Family Law

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
By – Martin Luther King, Jr

Contact Information

 07 2802 4101


  • Specialist Accreditation (Family Law), Queensland Law Society
  • Masters of Law in Family Law, College of Law
  • Bachelor of Laws and Environmental Planning Griffith University
  • Masters of Law (Dispute Resolution), College of Law
  • Trained in collaborative law
  • Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
  • Member of the Queensland Law Society
  • Law Council of Australia Family Law Section
  • Family Law Practitioners Association of Qld