When Unified Lawyers represents you, you’ve got a supportive and highly engaged team by your side right until the end.

Our focus is you. We want to ensure that your financial and emotional wellbeing is protected and healthy, and we will always strive for the most ideal outcome for you and your family members.

We’re not interested in making enemies or stirring up courtroom drama. We’re interested in finding a way to simplify your complex family law issues, so you understand your rights and obligations at every step.

We pride ourselves on honest and effective communication as this is vital in achieving successful outcomes that suit you. Our family law team can also speak a number of different languages including Arabic, Greek, Lebanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

If you want to see what we’re about and if we’re the right family law firm for you, organise your free consultation with us today.

“All materials throughout this entire website has been prepared by Unified Lawyers for informational purposes only. All materials throughout this entire website are not legal advice and should not be interpreted as legal advice. We do not guarantee that any of the information on this website is current or correct.

You should seek specialist legal advice or other professional advice about your specific circumstances.
All information on this site is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship between you and Unified lawyers.

Information on this site is not updated regularly and so may not be up to date.”